2024-252014-152004-051994-951984-851974-751964-65 121954-55 121944-451934-35 123
2023-242013-142003-041993-941983-841973-741963-64 121953-54 121943-441933-34
2022-232012-132002-031992-931982-831972-731962-63 121952-53 121942-43 1231932-33
2021-222011-122001-021991-921981-821971-721961-62 121951-52 121941-42 1231931-32
2020-212010-112000-011990-911980-811970-711960-61 121950-51 121940-41 121930-31
2019-202009-101999-001989-901979-801969-701959-60 121949-50 121939-40 123451929-30
2018-192008-091998-991988-891978-791968-691958-59 121948-491928-29 12
2017-182007-081997-981987-881977-781967-68 121957-58 121947-48
2016-172006-071996-971986-871976-771966-67 121956-57 121946-47
2015-162005-061995-961985-861975-761965-66 121955-56 121945-461935-36 123
2024-25 IIIIIIIVV2014-15 IIIIIIIV2004-05 IIIIIIIV1994-95 IIIIIIIV1984-85 III
2023-24 IIIIIIIVV2013-14 IIIIIIIV2003-04 IIIIIIIV1993-94 IIIIIIIV1983-84 III
2022-23 IIIIIIIVV2012-13 IIIIIIIV2002-03 IIIIIIIV1992-93 IIIIIIIV1982-83 III
2021-22 IIIIIIIVV2011-12 IIIIIIIV2001-02 IIIIIIIV1991-92 IIIIIIIV1981-82 III
2020-21 IIIIIIIVV2010-11 IIIIIIIV2000-01 IIIIIIIV1990-91 IIIIIIIV1980-81 III
2019-20 IIIIIIIV2009-10 IIIIIIIV1999-00 IIIIIIIV1989-90 IIIIIIIV1979-80 III
2018-19 IIIIIIIV2008-09 IIIIIIIV1998-99 IIIIIIIV1988-89 IIIIIIIV1978-79 III
2017-18 IIIIIIIV2007-08 IIIIIIIV1997-98 IIIIIIIV1987-88 IIIIIIIV1977-78 III
2016-17 IIIIIIIV2006-07 IIIIIIIV1996-97 IIIIIIIV1986-87
2015-16 IIIIIIIV2005-06 IIIIIIIV1995-96 IIIIIIIV1985-86 III


Complete name
Pablo César Pintos Cabral
Date of birth
01/07/1987 (37 years)
Place of birth
Birth Country
Right back
182 cm
78 kg
Type COP Argentina Superlig
Seasons 1121
Clubs 1121
Played Matches 63357
Complete Matches 42250
Lineup Matches 43310
Substitute Matches 2047
Substituted Matches 0140
Called Matches 15126
Total Called Matches 2143713
Wins 30145
Draws 0260
Losses 31152
Minutes 427226273178
Goals 0031
Goals as substitute 0011
Matches Scoring 0031
Goals per match 000,0860,143
Own Goals 0000
Yellow Cards 20111
Red Cards 0020
Age first match 23232225
Age last match 23232625
Age first match scoring --2225
Age last match scoring --2225
Play against more teams 62206
Goals to more teams 0031
Goals with more clubs 0011
Goals in a single season 0031
Goals per match in a single season 000,0910,143
Bookings in a single season 20111
Substituted in a single season 0120
Substitute in a single season 2047
Consecutive Days Played 4-73
Consecutive Days Lineup 4-70
Consecutive Days Completed 4-70
Consecutive Days Substitute 1-23
Consecutive Days Substituted 0-20
Consecutive Days Winning 1-31
Consecutive Days Drawing 0-40
Consecutive Days Losing 3-31
Consecutive Days Not Winning 3-41
Consecutive Days Not Drawing 4-73
Consecutive Days Not Losing 1-51
Consecutive Days Scoring 0-11
Consecutive Days Not Scoring 4-63
Consecutive Played Lineup 43170
Consecutive Played Completed 4180
Consecutive Played Substitute 1037
Consecutive Played Substituted 0120
Consecutive Played Won 2032
Consecutive Played Drawn 0240
Consecutive Played Lost 3141
Consecutive Played Not Won 3341
Consecutive Played Not Drawn 61157
Consecutive Played Not Lost 2282
Consecutive Played Scoring 0011
Consecutive Played Not Scoring 63206



# Season Date Match
1 2010-11 03/10/2010 Getafe - Hércules


# Season Date Match
1 2010-11 21/10/2010 Stuttgart - Getafe


# Season Date Match
1 2010-11 27/10/2010 Portugalete - Getafe
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